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 "I Love You, Me"
" Love You, Me"


To Unlock Your Health, Wealth, Happiness,

Relationship Success & Your True Potential...

(And how to have it...)

WHAT IF…Every day you woke up intrinsically knowing who you are, feeling loved, happy, fulfilled, and grateful to be alive? No more questioning and doubting yourself.

WHAT IF… You felt more authentic, more confident, more ‘You’, living the life you were born to live and finally getting what you wish for, without the constant push, pressure and struggle?

WHAT IF… You could have the love, connection and intimacy you crave, and heal old wounds with family, friends and loved ones, because you have the tools to create nourishing and satisfying relationships?

WHAT IF Life has a Divine Plan tailor-made for you, BUT because you’ve been so busy chasing what you think you want, you haven’t been in the right place to receive it?

You have a haunting sense that you are meant to be more than ‘just this’- right?

You KNOW you have a bigger purpose, but you just can’t seem to get there. It’s frustrating and lonely.

I hear you...

I want to tell you, because you’re here, reading this message that the Universe wants you to hear, that you’re doing really well, despite what you think. DO NOT GIVE UP! You’re on the right track.

But, what if you could access the life that’s invisibly but tangibly waiting for you, calling you forward, so you could burst out of that hard shell that’s limiting your expansion; you could get UN-STUCK?

I’m here to tell you, You CAN. I know how, because I’ve done it, and I’ve helped many tens of thousands of others do it too. And I can not only tell you, but I can show you, guide you, and give you a simple practice that will literally EVOLVE YOU CONSCIOUSLY, and help you heal physically, mentally and emotionally.

You CAN BE fulfilled, loved, valued and truly free from old traumas, patterns and belief blocks!

It's not difficult. It's easy. And quick too. And I’m going to tell you the profoundly simple ‘How’ in a minute...

BUT FIRST, you have to be willing to recognise what’s not working for you in your life, so that you can make an empowered new choice.…Are you READY for that?

If you’re not ready for a total transformation from the inside out, and you want to keep trying and struggling in vain, going round and round in circles, repeating karma, and running from your shadows and your destiny, then leave this page now.

I’m sorry, but I cannot help you if you want to stay stuck in old patterns that limit you, which is a shame because I love you, and the world needs you to make this change. Your soul needs you to make this change too.

How long have you been feeling held back, despite all that effort... trying... staying positive... and being motivated?

When you really think about it… how long have you been feeling like that?

If you’re completely honest with yourself, (which most people aren’t) it’s probably been going on a long time. Maybe for as long as you can remember?

Sometimes it gets too hard, and those helpless feelings creep up on you again, making you want to give up. And sometimes it seems as if nothing’s really changed, even though you’ve aged, and external things are different - It’s all still virtually the same.

That same old feeling inside hasn’t changed, the one that says, “I've had enough. I want to go home. I want to be the REAL, shining, amazing me. I want absolute certainty, I want to matter, and I need to be unconditionally loved by someone who REALLY CARES.”

Life doesn’t work based on logic or what you think you should be, nor does it respond to checklists and trying to improve yourself. Seeking the ‘next best version’ of yourself will only cause you more pain and problems. You’re chasing an illusion; A figment of your judgmental mind and imagined state of perfection.

Sorry, but that’s 1000% true.

The only reason you would strive to be the ‘Best’ or ‘Better version’ of yourself is if you actually judge, hate and reject who you naturally are!

You’re subconsciously declaring ‘I am not good enough as my authentic self, and I don’t know how to be my authentic, perfect and divinely created self, and so I’m going to TRY to be someone that I think everyone will love, and then I’ll succeed.”


Why are you doing that to yourself? That’s not kind, loving or helpful is it?

Forcing, pushing and hating on yourself only builds up more frustration, resentment and low vibrational thoughts and emotions inside of you, like how the build-up of pressure in a pipe blocks the flow of water to the tap.

It actually increases your feelings of inadequacy and ‘not good enough’. It leads you to think destructively until it eventually gnaws away at your soul making you wish you could just disappear altogether.

For most people, the pressure builds up inside until they can no longer cope, bringing them to the end of their rope, metaphorically, and sometimes literally, speaking.

You’ve probably already done a lot of ‘spiritual work’ or personal development workshops and webinars too, looking for the answers that will get you out of where you no longer want to be, and up into the heavenly level of ease and flow. You’re doing everything you can to find to get yourself to the RIGHT place.

The problem is, the ANSWER is right in front of you but you can’t see it yet!

Your focus is heavily and repeatedly conditioned to go in the exact opposite direction of where you will actually ‘find’ yourself, and find everything you’re looking for.

Almost everyone wants to carry on ignoring what’s right under their nose, and stay stuck, because they’re trapped in an old way of thinking; They’re trapped in searching, instead of finding.

They’re trapped in giving their power and energy away instead of trusting themselves and receiving what’s truly meant for them.


As a naturally gifted and professional SOUL READER since 2001 (Someone who can literally see, hear, and interact with the layers of your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical energy, with all the memories of your soul and the people in your memories, including in-between birth and death states),

I realised that there’s only ONE thing that motivates us in life. Only ONE real need, that surpasses all others. Only ONE thing we’re all really looking, at the end of the day, for when it boils down to it.

Surprisingly it’s not money, or power, or even just the basic instinct to survive. The ONE thing that’s the bottom line search; the foundational motivation for EVERYTHING we do, is to feel truly LOVED.

We all want to be met, held, seen, understood. We all want, and long deeply for a place to call home, where we feel we belong, where we feel we can be ourselves, without any effort, or pretences.

We’re all of us searching for that ONE true feeling, meeting what we think will be the perfect love.

BUT, in fact, what we long for is a TRUE reflection of ourselves, a mirror in which to see our innate divinity, our perfection, our beauty and uniqueness, and fall completely in love with the light of our own true nature.

In that reflection we could see WHO WE ARE without the conditioning and the programming, without the dirt that life has thrown at us.

We want to remember and be seen without the crap that we've picked up along the way; that’s brought us down, made us feel less than we are, burst our dream bubbles and robbed us of our power.


In the true reflection of LOVE we would see our brilliance, our gifts, our innocence, our heart, our purity, our wisdom, our truth.

And in seeing it, and being validated, we would rejoice! We would be FREE! We would be able to BE all that we dream and desire ourselves to be!

Imagine it now, dear beloved soul…

What if you WERE loved, unconditionally, perfectly, in every single part of your being, and every part of your life, in all the right places, in all the right ways?

What would that feel like? What would you be capable of? What would be stopping you?

The answer is you’d be capable of ANYTHING!You’d be UNSTOPPABLE and un-f***-with-able!Your light would dispel all darkness!

All you need to do is find that love…where it actually is.

Humanity has been searching for so long now…. and so much of what initially looked promising and good has been manipulated and messed up, twisted and manufactured, to keep people hooked, disempowered and disappointed.

Humanity URGENTLY needs an answer.

You already have it. The answer is YOU.

All it takes is a new understanding, by making some simple but profoundly impactful changes so you are Seen, Heard, Loved, Validated, Empowered and the REAL ‘You’ that’s been trying to break out of that shell to live your fullest potential.

It’s not too late and it’s not impossible. That’s why you haven’t ever, truly given up. This is YOUR Destiny!

Even if you feel like your current health situation is in despair, or that you’re never going to find your path or purpose, or the way out of your money problems, or that you’re never going to get the love and connection you crave even though you work so hard giving everything you’ve got to others.

Even if you are on the edge of giving up because you’ve tried everything already and the world is dark.

Or you’re disillusioned about life, who you are, and your meaningful place in it.

Or you’ve decided to settle for an unsatisfying love life or a helpless family situation…

You CAN and WILL have the LOVE and purpose you’ve always wanted, and it starts here!

For The Love, Happiness & Success You Dream Of, You Need to Do a U-Turn!

To get the love and the life you want, you must discover what LIFE WANTS for you, how to stop blocking it, and learn to receive what’s truly meant for you.

I’m not talking about doing endless meditation, chanting positive affirmations, or giving even more love and energy to others in order to finally get what you feel you deserve.

I’m talking about what actually works.

It’s so devastating and confusing when you’ve worked really hard to say and do all the right things, to win people's love and recognition, and yet people still let you down and fail to see who you really are.

It’s so exhausting trying to get ahead and fulfil your potential, yet you seem to go around the same cycles year in year out, with nothing really changing. And it seems you’re running out of time to ‘get life right.’

That’s because, all the ways you try to fill the gaps in your life to feel loved, valued and meaningful, are the exact opposite of what you need to do to actualise true fulfilment.

When life isn’t going their way, most of people spring into survival-related action, making lists and plans to solve problems and make things better.

They mistakenly think about life as a checklist, that if they do the “right things” and act in the “right way” the universe will see what an amazing person they are and reward them with more money, the right love partner, success in their career, etc...

They think that serving more people, working their asses off, not being needy and having less for themselves will gain some sort of ‘God Approval’ and they’ll finally earn the right to have their dreams come true.

So, you focus on making others happy, losing weight, pretending to look successful and content, stuffing down your displeasure or discomfort, or being agreeable and going with the flow…

You find yourself working hard to "prove” you are loveable and good... BUT doing, giving, and trying harder are actually repelling the very things you want away from you.

Even to the point of pushing away the love-life you long for, the recognition in your profession, and the lifestyle you wish for. All your effort is accidentally pushing your dream life and love away.


Fall in Love With Your Own Heart!


Life will work for you only when you stop focusing on checklists and pretending, and start focusing on your heart and your feelings.

Life, and the people who matter will fall in love with you when you are brave enough to fall in love with yourself first, and show the world who you really are and how you really feel.

Everything in life responds to your signals, that includes the people you work with, your family members, parents, children, partner, (or lack of one...)

Everything around you is a direct and exact response to the subconscious energy you give out.

So, if you feel overwhelmed inside, or deep-down ugly, or lacking, or less-than you want to be - Life will give you back the equal measure of how you feel about yourself, no matter how much you superficially believe that you deserve better or try to think positively.

You need to be in touch with your heart and express yourself - fully and fearlessly - You need to feel seen, heard, held, and safe to be who you actually are.

You need deep, intimate connection with the greater purpose of your life, and let others fall in love with you because you're ready to receive REAL LOVE.

You can’t use your logic, actions or intellect to connect with your purpose or inner wisdom.

You can’t “think” your way into loving yourself either, that won’t fool anyone. Your invisible energy signals speak louder than words…

Only when you’re comfortable in your own skin and in your own heart and soul will you light your life on fire!

Only when you truly love yourself will you be in alignment with the life that the universe really has planned for you all along!

And I’ll show you how.

Your Step-By-Step Roadmap To True Self Love. Get The Missing Piece.

Learning how to connect with, and love yourself, is much, much easier than all the pretending, controlling, managing and analysing that you’ve been doing so far to get the love, affection and success you need.

In fact, love doesn’t have to require “work“ at all. It can be absolutely effortless.

All it takes are some very simple shifts in your words and attention for your world to gently and easily transform.

And rather than just TELL you about those magical words and attention shifting techniques, why not experience it directly? Because you'll know it when you feel it. And when it feels right, it IS right.

I've created a special online space where you can choose form a library of short, guided, healing and transformational, self love meditations designed to help you THRIVE in your body, mind, heart, soul, relationships, inner-child and wealth.

When you listen to the meditations and follow the guidance of what to say, do, feel and focus on, and then you fill in the blanks so that it's uniquely tailored to you - It's like being chauffeur driven on the most exquisite journeys inside yourself!

You hold all the power and decide where to go, and come out feeling freer, lighter, happier, and more connected, more conscious... And More YOU.

This online space is called the 'SELF LOVE LOUNGE'.

The Self Love Lounge experience ingeniously incorporates the most powerful self love method on the planet right now, the "I Love You, Me" Method, and it's '7 Steps to Transformational Self Love'.

This so-called 'miraculous' method has been the secret inspirational source for many coaches, celebrities and influencers who have helped popularise self love in recent years.

"I Love You, Me" method is quickly spreading to every continent throughout the world, and is already used by tens of thousands of people in both a professional, therapeutic context, as well as a personal, self-help context.

The "I Love You, Me" method has saved lives and ended illnesses, diseases, life-long pain and physical symptoms.

It's helped eliminate serious mental health conditions, healed emotional trauma and deep, childhood wounding.

It's undone generational conditioning, inherited behaviours, traits and patterns and liberated people from subconscious control mechanisms, fears, phobias, addictions and limiting beliefs that held them stuck, broke and disempowered.

IT IS TRIED, TESTED & PROVEN to have results with many different mental, emotional, physical and spiritual ailments, issues and blocks.

"I Love You, Me" is used by the young and old, from 4 to 104 years old. Anyone can do it. It's so simple, it's brilliant!

PLUS it is guaranteed to help you make either small, gentle changes so you feel a bit better every day, or to help you experience big, life-changing transformation in your beliefs, behaviours and habits that are keeping you stuck, disconnected from yourself and not living your true potential.

How you use it is up to you, depending on how ready and willing you are to love and serve yourself as well as,

or better, than you love and serve others.

“I Love You, Me” takes you on a journey of unconditional Self Love, and you can read about it and learn the method in my book '“I Love You, Me” - The 7 Steps To Transformational Self Love’

This POWERFUL Method reaches the parts of you that NO other therapies and techniques reach. It’s pioneering, cutting edge, and uses ancient spiritual technology, but it’s been buried and hidden for too long.

Inside SELF LOVE LOUNGE, I guide you using these same 7 Steps of Transformational Self Love (as in my book) with easy to follow, interactive, self healing meditations. From the first meditation you will experience impactful insights, self-validation, helpful realisations and profound liberation from your old patterns and beliefs.

And every time you do one of the meditations you will effectively be cleaning away layers of unwanted dirt and dust that over time accumulated, dimming your light and blocking you from connecting to your REAL-SELF and Loving Source of Who You Are.

These beautiful meditations are enlightening, liberating and deeply healing and there are many to choose from, all designed for various aspects of your life, both inner and outer.

You can have a practical, easily achievable, tried and tested road-map to follow, one that enables you to quickly grow in strength, power, authenticity and clarity.

You also get short, exclusive teaching videos direct from myself, e-books, print out reminders, and connection to a wonderful, compassionate online community of people loving themselves and transforming their lives, just like you.

You can go it alone, but if you really want to love yourself, journey along-side a big community of like-hearted people, make friends, buddy up, and maybe even find romantic love in the private chatrooms!

What If I Told You, You Can Learn The

"I LOVE YOU, ME" Method and Have Unlimited Access to the SELF LOVE LOUNGE, Completely FREE!

The trouble is, most people shy away from self love, either because they think it's selfish, or they are arrogant enough to think they already have it without having really gone there, or they think self love is about their ego-related self-image and confidence...

BUT THE REALITY IS, most people are actually terrified of loving themselves because it means they will have to start actually being themselves. AND they'll have to face all the parts of themselves that they hid from, or denied, covered over and were quietly ashamed of.

BUT THE TRUTH IS, loving yourself is the most wonderful, empowering, easy, liberating and natural thing in the whole world! Being yourself is the best feeling ever! AND it makes your whole life better, like it MAKES SENSE. You will feel super-powered - for real!

But because people are so scared of the light that love brings, I literally have to make the life-changing discovery of being you and loving yourself RISK FREE.

So, the best way for you to get started RIGHT AWAY needs to be that I give it to you for FREE, and totally without risk, so that you experience for yourself what the Universal Power of Unconditional Love can do for you when you tap into it and apply it to yourself in the right way.


Why do I want to give it to you for free? Why do I care so much?

I'll tell you my friend, because I know what it's like to feel like you're absolutely nothing. Less than nothing. I know what it feels like to feel like you don't belong here, in this utterly bonkers world, and wish you could just go home, wherever that is...

I know what it is to live a life filled with being used, abused, confused and lied to, every which way possible.

I know how it feels to want to be loved so bad, that you'll keep empathising, helping, giving, forgiving, serving and loving others, even when they don't give it back, hurt you or devalue you.

BECAUSE, I want to live in a world with more love in it - plain and simple.

I believe it will be a much better place for our 'Little-Me' inner-children, our actual children, and our grandchildren, when WE love ourselves the way that we want to be loved, instead of waiting for the impossible to happen from people who don't know how to love, or waiting for the next life-time...

When we become the LOVE that this world needs, and be the shining example of love made visible, this world stands a chance of evolving.

YOUR LIFE stands a change of improving, at the very least!!

What Are You Waiting For?

There's Nothing To Lose.

1. Learn the 7 Steps to Transformational Self Love


  • Instantly deepen your connection with yourself, your breath & your existential source of life.

  • Rebalance your giving & receiving, masculine & feminine energies & open up to receive miracles.

  • Make transformational decisions based on the 5 essential elements that get you back into your power, owning yourself & and creating rapid, life-changing shifts.

  • Feel seen, heard, held, recognised, validated and met in all the places where you’ve been waiting for someone else to do it.

  • Overcome fears, unlock your blocks, stop your subconscious self-sabotaging habits & negative self-talk.

  • Say the exact words that permanently release you from anything & anyone that’s stopping you from shining your light & being the you that you were born to be.

  • Get free from parental, ancestral or cultural conditioning, & deep traumas from the past.

  • Love yourself unconditionally, even and especially in the places you deny, ignore or cover over because you think they are unlovable, bad or wrong.

  • Develop your unique gifts, sensitivities, & consciousness quickly and effortlessly with regular practice.

  • Dive deeper into intimacy and emotional connection with yourself and in your relationships.

  • Resolve conflict in relationships with family, friends, partners, bosses & colleagues.

  • Raise your vibration to become magnetic to success and miracle manifestation!

2. Unlock the Secrets in the "I Love You, Me" Book


  • Understand the ONE thing that everyone is searching for & how to get it.

  • Never feel alone or abandoned again when you implement this method.

  • Discover your true source of inspiration, inner-guidance & truth.

  • Cut ties, end problem dynamics & break soul bonds with the '7 Directions of Forgiveness'.

  • Connect with & integrate your 'Little-Me' inner-child.

  • Get first hand realisation of who you are & your divine potential.

  • Unlock the infinite power of unconditional love & how to apply it to your own life,

  • And so much more...

3. Discover Yourself & Connect in the Self Love Lounge


  • 'Done-with-you' transformational, self-love healing meditations,

  • Daily self-care rituals

  • Self-reflection & habit changing exercises.

  • Mind, body, heart, soul, inner-child, relationships & wealth improvment.

  • A thriving, global community of good people with the same self-love mission as you.

  • Find friends, accountability buddies & true love inside the private members area.

  • An end to wasting your life being stuck, waiting for a saviour or looking for a way out.

  • How to love & save yourself & be unstoppable!

Yours Today FREE!

Regular "I Love You, Me" Method Course Price: £197

Regular "I Love You, Me" ebook Price £9.99

Regular Yearly Self Love Lounge Subscription £197

Total Value = £403.99


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Transform YourLife & Unlock Your True Potential TODAY.

I’ll walk you through, step by step, show you the tools, how-to’s and secrets that you can immediately put to use.

After learning and practicing the tools, you’ll notice a difference in your life right away.

Not only will your internal reality shift, with less negative self-talk, self-critisism and self-judgement, but your external world will change too.

Your relationships will change for the better.

The dynamics will shift.

People will treat you differently.

You'll get noticed more.

Your glow will be brighter.

You'll feel more at home in your body, more confident, and like you've got your own back without the walls.

You'll trust yourself more, and trust life more too.

You'll have more energy as if heavy old burdens have lifted.

Blessings, opportunities and good things will show up.

You'll become more magnetic and attractive to what you want.

You'll manifest more quickly and easily.

Yours Today FREE On The App!


The "I Love You, Me" Course,

The complete "I Love You, Me" eBook,

With Workbook & Signature Meditations,

PLUS 12 Months Unlimited Access to Self Love Lounge.

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